
NEW! Scout Rallye BIG! Steering Wheel Horn Button adaptor kit!

Make those big standard Steering wheels into a Big RALLYE WHEEL!! NEW! Scout Rallye Steering Wheel Horn Button adaptor kit! Kit includes one spacer, 3 longer bushing/sleeves and 3 longer screws, you can reuse your horn retainer and horn switch.
SKU: 1.000.042
 Kit includes one spacer, 3 longer bushing/sleeves and 3 longer screws, you can reuse your horn retainer and horn switch.
Sold individually, Button Comes in all Black with no emblem. You can add an emblem.  (Plastic Molded Part, not 3d printed!)   Steering wheel not included
Scout Rallye Steering Wheel Horn Button Emblems
Large 1979 Emblem  Dim. 1.3/4inch
 Kit includes one spacer, 3 longer bushing/sleeves and 3 longer screws, you can reuse your horn retainer and horn switch.
Sold individually, Button Comes in all Black with no emblem. You can add an emblem.  (Plastic Molded Part, not 3d printed!)   Steering wheel not included
Scout Rallye Steering Wheel Horn Button Emblems
Large 1979 Emblem  Dim. 1.3/4inch